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The 10 Best Worth It Episodes on Buzzfeed Videos

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By: Karl Marx

| In: Miscellaneous
Watch 10 of the best Worth It episodes on Buzzfeed and find out which one tops the list.
1 | 100.00%
“I’m not gonna be able to hide this from my grandma."
2 | 100.00%
“That’s a $100 step right there!"
3 | 0.00%
"You can house a whole baseball team and the managing staff here!?"
4 | 0.00%
"It's like the lucid dream of cakes."
6 | 0.00%
"I could join the mile high club with this seat."
7 | 0.00%
Travelled from LA to Tennessee to play one of the world's most expensive games.
8 | 0.00%
"Babe. I got this spot."
10 | 0.00%
“Are we sure this isn’t alcoholic? Cause I feel pretty weird right now.”