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The 10 Best of BuzzFeedVideo!

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By: Alison Parker

| In: Miscellaneous
BuzzFeed, Inc. is an American Internet media company based in New York City. The firm is a social news and entertainment company with a focus on digital media. Find out their best 10 best videos.
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We searched for the absolute best celebrity pancake recipe.
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"I'm not as nervous as I probably should be."
6 | 0.00%
"Looks like I'm going to tiny bake a tiny cake."
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"If you put this in a Starbucks cup and you gave it to me, I would have thought it was Starbucks."
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"I was never the rebellious type, but I was always obsessed with tattoos!"
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Now we can kick people in the face!
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Is the box even REAL? Is it a camera trick? How do you do it?