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By: Marc Andrei

| In: Miscellaneous
A volcano is a conduct that communicate the lowers levels of the crust with the surface. The definition of a dangerous volcano is a volcano that could erupt at any time with great deadly power. In many times, the human civilization built their cities around of this big, powerful mountain without knowledge of who their neighbor was, so when the volcano activity began, it was too late for them to run and many people died or lost their home.

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The destructive potential of this volcano is massive. If the volcano erupt, most of United State will disappear just as we know it. If this volcano erupt the consequences will be catastrophic for a big part of the United States and Canada. The last eruption of this volcano was 640.000 years ago and the scientists said that the next one will be in 90.000 years.

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It is the tallest and the more active volcano in Europe. It represents a real threat of the villages and cities in Sicily. Back in 1669 one eruption of this volcano destroyed a big part of Catania an old city in the western coast of Sicily. In 1993 two lava flows threatened all the municipality where around 8000 people live.

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The Galapagos Island is consider on of the volcanic sphere more active in the world. In the last 200 years there were more than 50 eruptions. So this natural territory full of species is under threat. The last eruption was in 2005. A potential dangerous volcano

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It is catalogued like a potential mass killer. It is located at 70km of Mexico City, putting in great danger (about 9 million people). The volcano is hiding under a glacier. In 2000 the volcano begun to erupt causing the evacuation of thousands of people but it only melted the glacier.

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This volcano is located in Java, Indonesia. In 1923, 1942 and 2002 several big movements and a little eruptions were registered inside the mountain. This volcano is considered extremely dangerous and it is not allowed to build near it. In 1772 it completely destroyed 40 villages.

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The locals call it The Fire Mountain. This volcano erupt one time each ten years more or less. It is the most dangerous volcano in Indonesia. Near the volcano we find the city of Yogyakarta and on the hillside there are people currently living. It’s a dangerous volcano that should be under constant observation.

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Close to his volcano lives around of 700.000 inhabitants. Since 1955, the Sakura-Lima started erupting regularly and because of that, this is considered one of the most dangerous volcanos in the world. It’s being called “the western Vesuvio”. The local administration built special refugees for the people when the volcano enters in activity. The last eruption was in 2009.

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Perhaps it can be considered the most dangerous volcano in Africa. Nowhere else, has there been such lava rivers as the Nyiracongo had in 1977, killed thousands of people. In 2002 another eruption happened and killed 45 people and left approximately 120.000 inhabitants without a home.

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It is one of the biggest volcanoes of the world and it is located in Tenerife, Spain. Now days this volcano is inactive, but the potential of an eruption in the next years is very big. This power will be similar to the Vesuvio. The international association of volcanology categorized this volcano like one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world.

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This volcano is located in Italy. This is a big threatening volcano that shown its power to the earth once. It was in 1st century BC when a powerful explosion erased the cities of Pompey and Herculano (Ercolano now days), and killed around of 25000 people. Now days close to this volcano, 3 million people live, and the fact that worries the scientists, is that the volcano has been sleeping for so long. This means, the next explosion will be a very big one. We just don’t know when it will be.