
The Dark Knight

Batman: The Dark Knight was an American comic book ongoing series, written and penciled by David Finch and featuring Batman. One of two new ongoing ti...

Batman: The Dark Knight was an American comic book ongoing series, written and penciled by David Finch and featuring Batman. One of two new ongoing titles to feature Bruce Wayne after the "Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne" storyline, The Dark Knight depicts Bruce Wayne's life in Gotham City following his new global commitment to the newly established Batman Incorporated. In Finch's words, "The stories I'm telling are all about relationships and connections he has in Gotham City that he can't walk away from."[1]


The Dark Knight is found in...

DC Top 10 Movies
( 10 items )
Item Position (rank): 1
DC Top 15 Super Heroes
( 15 items )
Item Position (rank): 15