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Catelyn Stark (Game of Thrones)

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By: John Ross E.

| In: Versus (This or That)
Even the most dedicated Game of Thrones fans probably don’t know that Irish actress Michelle Fairley wasn’t the original choice for the role of Catelyn Stark.
The role was originally offered to Jennifer Ehle, who left the show shortly after filming the pilot episode.
Reportedly, producers confirmed that Jennifer’s departure from the show wasn’t due to any bad blood.
It was rather the fact that she had just given birth to a daughter, and didn’t want to commit to long-term projects.
The role was originally offered to Jennifer Ehle, who left the show shortly after filming the pilot episode.
Reportedly, producers confirmed that Jennifer’s departure from the show wasn’t due to any bad blood.
It was rather the fact that she had just given birth to a daughter, and didn’t want to commit to long-term projects.