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Dating an Armenian Woman: Advice and What to Know

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By: John Ross E.

| In: Lifestyle
Here is some advice and what to know when you are interested in dating an Armenian woman. These tips will help you understand some aspects of Armenian culture and people who come from it so you can feel more comfortable in approaching a dating situation.
The scenarios we give assume that you want to date a first-generation Armenian-American or someone who is 100% Armenian in their background.
The scenarios we give assume that you want to date a first-generation Armenian-American or someone who is 100% Armenian in their background.

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What kind of family do you come from? Armenians can be leery of trusting men for their daughters that come from divorced parents. In Armenian families it is tradition for fathers to teach their sons morals and values, and being the kind of man that her father would raise will put you in god favor..

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Armenian girls are sometimes spoiled. Be prepared to spend good money when you take her out and always buy her good gifts. She will hope that you can continue to give her the life she is used to.

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Be prepared to inherit a family. If you score a date you will most likely have to come inside and meet her parents first. They will ask you all kinds of questions to determine your worthiness and size you up. This is because they do not want harm to come to their daughter.

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What kind of reputation do you have? Do you like to date all kinds of women just for the experience? Are you a use them and lose them type? If so, these types won't fly. Armenian families make a point of protecting their daughters.

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A date might be difficult to obtain -- not because she doesn't like you -- but because she is dedicated to her family's wishes. Some Armenian girls and women are not allowed to date boys and men their parents have not approved of. It is also common for Armenian girls under the age of 18 to not be allowed to date at all. Her family might also forbid her from dating people other than Armenians.