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10 Of The World's Strangest Churches

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By: Marc Andrei

| In: Religion
A church building or church house, often simply called a church, is a building used for Christian religious activities, particularly for worship services. The term in its architectural sense is most often used by Christians to refer to their religious buildings, but it is sometimes used (by analogy) to refer to buildings of other religions. Prestige and Holiness surrounds a church, lathough true, some are designed and buit beyond the norms of churches. Find out the list of the 10 strangest churches.

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The Katskhi pillar is a natural limestone monolith located at the village of Katskhi in western Georgian region of Imereti, near the town of Chiatura.

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In a mountainous region in the heart of Ethiopia, some 645 km from Addis Ababa, eleven medieval monolithic churches were carved out of rock. Their building is attributed to King Lalibela who set out to construct in the 12th century a 'New Jerusalem', after Muslim conquests halted Christian pilgrimages to the holy Land.

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The most beautiful, the most impressive, the most wonderful. The glow of crystal chandeliers illuminates here on the intricately carved floor. Breathtaking bas-reliefs and altars are a proof of extraordinary artistry. The Chapel of St. Kinga is the crown jewel of the “Wieliczka” Salt Mine and the miners' pride.

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The Chêne chapelle is an oak tree located in Allouville-Bellefosse in Seine-Maritime, France. The oak tree is between 800 and 1,200 years old. It is 15 metres high and its base has a circumference of 16 metres.

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Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe is a chapel in Aiguilhe, near Le Puy-en-Velay, France. It was built in 969 on a volcanic plug 85 metres high. The chapel is reached by 268 steps carved into the rock.

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‘Reading between the lines’ is a project by the duo Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, a collaboration between young Belgian architects Pieterjan Gijs (Leuven, 1983) and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh (Leuven, 1983). Since 2007, they have been realizing projects in public space together that start from their architectural background, but have an artistic intention. Their projects do not always originate out of the initiative of a classical client, for example, and carry a large degree of autonomy. Their primary concerns are experiment, reflection, a physical involvement with the end result and the input of the viewer.
The church is not used for regular worship but is more of a piece of art. Anyone is allowed to worship the god of his choice inside.
The church is not used for regular worship but is more of a piece of art. Anyone is allowed to worship the god of his choice inside.

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Catedral Basílica Menor Nossa Senhora da Glória is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in downtown Maringá, Paraná, Brazil, reaching 124 m in height.

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The Chapel of the Holy Cross is a Roman Catholic chapel built into the buttes of Sedona, Arizona, run by the Diocese of Phoenix, as a part of St. John Vianney Parish in Sedona.

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The Basilica church of St. Ursula is located in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is built upon the ancient ruins of a Roman cemetery, where the 11,000 virgins associated with the legend of Saint Ursula are said to have been buried.

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The Sedlec Ossuary is nothing spectacular in the outside. It is a small chapel located in Sedlec, in the suburbs of Kutna Hora, in the Czech Republic. You would think that it is just an average old medieval gothic church.
As you enter the Sedlec Ossuary though, you will soon realize why it is one of the most amazing and unique churches in the world.The Sedlec Ossuary is artistically decorated by more than 40.000 human skeletons.
Thus it is also known as the Church of Bones or as the Bone Church.
One of the most fascinating artistic works inside the Sedlec Ossuary is the big chandelier of bones that lies in the center of the Church of Bones. The immense chandelier contains at least one of every human bone.
As you enter the Sedlec Ossuary though, you will soon realize why it is one of the most amazing and unique churches in the world.The Sedlec Ossuary is artistically decorated by more than 40.000 human skeletons.
Thus it is also known as the Church of Bones or as the Bone Church.
One of the most fascinating artistic works inside the Sedlec Ossuary is the big chandelier of bones that lies in the center of the Church of Bones. The immense chandelier contains at least one of every human bone.