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Top 10 Best Social Media Tools

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By: Alison Parker

| In: Social Media
There’s no getting around the fact you need to have some kind of understanding and the ability to use social media to your advantage if you want to get your company to where it needs to go. Each and every one of the professionals that call themselves a digital marketing executive sings the praises of client interaction and the analytics that can help you to make near real time adjustments. The best social media marketing techniques offer this.
Still, it can be a complicated swim when you first jump into these waters and try to paddle around all the different social media marketing sites available, so here’s a list of 10 social media tools that can help you to stay afloat. Remember these are the same tools used by social media marketing professionals.
Still, it can be a complicated swim when you first jump into these waters and try to paddle around all the different social media marketing sites available, so here’s a list of 10 social media tools that can help you to stay afloat. Remember these are the same tools used by social media marketing professionals.

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Getting all the analytics you need in one place is good. Having it presented to you in an easy to read and understand format is better and that’s just what our final list entry does. Data from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are all funneled into one location and presented in real time. Because the designers want you to think of this offering as a full-service analytical tool, you can even publish and schedule content from the interface.

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Because the best social media marketing tools mimic what good marketing departments are capable of, this one makes our top ten list. With this software you can compare and measure various social media platforms and the campaigns you’re using on each. You can even drop in on what’s being said on different channels to get that all-important feedback that helps you to plan the next move.

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Sometimes looking through the social media marketing sites means crossing over and dealing with the kind of tools that might be best described as SEO-related. However, when you need to know the top tag lines and catch phrases in your industry, this is an excellent device for several very good reasons. You can identify the phrases a site ranks with SEMrush and then use the best of the ones you find for your own business. This is a real gem for the digital marketing executive that needs to multitask or doesn’t have a good copywriting department.

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There are people who want to mine all the information they can from one social media source. If Twitter is the tool of choice and you really need to understand who your audience is, this is one of the best ways to accomplish that goal. You can search bios and profiles by keywords that put all the necessary information in easy to read lists.

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Monitoring hashtags across several different social media platforms can help you find content centered around a certain topic and see how any of your branding efforts are coming along. Of course, this tool is a great way to monitor specific hashtags that revolve around conversations. A great research tool and you can even narrow the searches down to a particular social media platform.

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The thing about some of the social media marketing sites in lists like this is some of the tools they discuss try to do too much and wind up being mediocre. Not so here since Crowdbooster simply gives you the information to tweak your social media strategy by giving you the right tools to make data-driven decisions.

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A serious digital marketing executive needs to take note—this is the tool that will let you use a collaborative platform to communicate across all your social media platforms seamlessly. With analytics and even publishing features this one shouldn’t be missed when you want to deal with everything social in one place.

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The best social media marketing techniques include not only great text in the form of blogs, but great eye-catching visual content to go with them. That’s where this great tool comes in. The photos, illustrations, vector graphics and videos here are all free from copyrights and attribution is not required.

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If you’re a social media manager wondering how to corral the firehose of information that’s coming at you constantly through social media channels, this is the tool for you. See all your social media accounts here in one area and Hootsuite offers a fine selection of monitoring, publishing and collaboration reports that are so useful you’ll wonder how you ever got along without them.

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One of the most important things you can do when you’re using social media as an advertising tool is interact with your target market. Of course, you need to know when anyone anywhere is discussing your brand so you can find out what they are saying and make the necessary adjustments. This is the social media tool that monitors billions of sources in over 40 languages.