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Top 10 Most Powerful Politicians In The World 2018

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By: Shekina Aguilar

| In: Politics
The politician leaders play crucial role in the development of the country, the system depends upon the leaders while every politician is not a leader of the nation because some works for their own mean but there are number of political leaders in the world which are considered as those who work for the welfare of the public.
Some politicians on the social media as well as on the television are very important which are known as the powerful politicians, many countries have such leaders who are considered as the recognition for the people.
It is said that every leader is a politician but every politician is not the leader, and some countries have such politicians which have very important role in the development of the country. If we discuss American then Barack is the man whose name comes to mind and here we will discuss the top ten powerful politicians in the world.
Some politicians on the social media as well as on the television are very important which are known as the powerful politicians, many countries have such leaders who are considered as the recognition for the people.
It is said that every leader is a politician but every politician is not the leader, and some countries have such politicians which have very important role in the development of the country. If we discuss American then Barack is the man whose name comes to mind and here we will discuss the top ten powerful politicians in the world.
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If someone want to know about the list of most powerful leaders or politicians in the world, the name which came in seconds into mind and that is Imran Khan who is the former cricketer star while he is now the most powerful politician in the world, his journey in politics has very ups and down but due to hard struggle he has such position that Pakistan recognition without his name is incomplete because he fought for the rights of the people of country on every parliament and on every stage and now he is the chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf which is a strong opposition in Pakistan.
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The Indian current Prime Minister Narendra Modi is considered as one of the most powerful man in the world, he is the man who built his value on his own way, he took the control of office in 2014 as the 14th Prime Minister of India, from 2001 to 2014 Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014 while he remained the part of the parliament for Varanasi, he is the member of Hindu nationalist party Bharatiya Janata Party as well as the party of the right-wing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and his government is known as one of the most powerful governments ever in India.
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Donald Trump is the current president of the United States while he is considered as one of the powerful man in the world as he is the high command of America, he is famous in all over the world due to his policies nationally as well as on international level policies, he took the office on January 20, 2017 while before coming to politics he was a well known television star as well as a big businessman in the America and in 2016 he did a very impressive election campaign and he succeed to win the election against the powerful politician Hillary Clinton.
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Xi Jinping is the most powerful leader in the world as he is placed on the top position in the list of most powerful politicians in the universe, he is currently working or serving as President of the People’s Republic of China as well as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the powerful man is the Chairman of the Central Military Commission while in 2016 he was given the name as China’s “paramount leader”, due to his hard struggle the country China raised economically while it has one of the most powerful economies in the world and Xi Jinping is the real leader of country.
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The Russian President Vladimir is known as one of the most powerful leaders in the world as he is the amongst the strongest persons of this universe, he took the charge of office in 7 May 2012 while earlier he was selected for the President position from 2000 to 2008 as well as Putin was the Prime Minister from 1999 to 2000 later again from 2008 to 2012, many of times he remained the member of parliament, due to his crucial role in the development of country, he is known as one of the most famous politicians in the world.
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In the list of the most powerful politicians in the world, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton has achieved the position, she is the woman who is considered as the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001, many of times she remained the part of the parliament, Clinton fought for the welfare of the public many times in the parliament as well as also on the roads, in 2016 she lost the election against the president Donald Trump with a very small margin and Hillary was also the 67th United States Secretary of State.
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Manuel Carlos Valls Galfetti is known as one of the most powerful leaders in the world due to his social as well as economical policies, the French politician is a big name in the world as he was the Prime Minister of France from 2014 until 2016 as well as he was the Minister of the Interior from 2012 to 2014, Valls was also a member of the Socialist Party, he was also the nominee for the 2017 presidential election but he has lost the election during second round and still he is considered as crucial leader of country.
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The German politician Angela Dorothea Merkel is serving as Chancellor of Germany since 2005 as well as she is the leader of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 2000, due to her contribution I the country progress Angela is considered as one of the most powerful leaders in the world as well as one of the most powerful women, she is very popular for her name as de facto leader of the European Union, she was President of the European Council in 2007 while worked for her voters and now has the name in the list of top ten powerful politicians.
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The former Prime minister of British David William Donald Cameron is known as one of the most powerful politicians in the world, he is one of the most prominent leaders in this universe while he became popular as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2016 while for Witney from 2001 to 2016 he was the member of Parliament, David fought many times for the welfare of the people which is the cause of his votes which are more than any other and he is placed in the list of top ten most powerful politicians.

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Dilma Vana Rousseff is considered as the one of the most powerful politicians in the world as she is the Brazilian economist as well as a former Prime Minister of the country from 2011 to August 2016, she was removed from the post in August while she is known as the first democratically-elected female president in the world who is removed as well as replaced, Dilma also known as first Brazilian president woman ever in history, she became popular in the world as she ran campaigns for the welfare of the common man in the country and she has a crucial role in the development of country.