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Top 10 Physical Signs a Woman is Interested in You

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By: John Ross E.

| In: Lifestyle
This time you want to scout out a girl and see if she likes you but you don’t want to be blunt and ask her because it might ruin the relationship. Well, instead of doing that, you can try picking up some physical signs to see if she has interest in you. Once you spot those physical signs, you will be able to gain some confidence to ask her bluntly to be your girl. If she is interested in you, she will broadcast these physical cues to you and makes sure you won’t miss them. Hope that interpreting female body language is not that hard for you. Here are the top 10 physical signs to tell if a woman is interested in you.

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Okay, some guys might like that and some guys don’t because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Whether you do or don’t, it is a sign she is in to you. She will wear her push-up bra just to make that area more pronoun and makes sure that her twins can see light and not hide in the shadows. A bonus sign is that if she arches her back to get your attention by clearly pointing her breast in front of you and giving you that seductive look.

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Relationship experts say that this physical signal shows that the girl is interested in you and want to know more about you. This does not necessarily mean that she has a deep crush on you. Early stages of interest start with fiddling stuff but this is a hit or miss depending how interested she is with you.

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It doesn’t matter where she touches you. As long as she does it. If she touches you, then that means she’s comfortable with you. She is definitely interested in you, if not she wouldn’t do it. If you like her, make sure to touch her back just so she knows that she has communicated her message across to you.

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This can be a good indicator that she is nervous, shy, or embarrassed around you mixed in with excitement causing a simple biological reaction turning her face pink, essentially heating up. When a girl has a deep crush with you and doesn’t know how to react, it can cause her to blush which basically means that she likes you.

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If she is happy all the time with you, then she is enjoying your company and wants you to feel the same too. If she is laughing and smiling with you, it makes you feel good on the inside. By doing this she wants you to feel like she is a friendly person and cool to hang out with.

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She might be touching her neck or leg signaling you that she would like it if you do that with her. This is a clear indicator that she likes you but can be faulty at times. If she’s doing this on purpose because she’s sore from a workout or her neck just hurts. But at the same time, you can easily spot the different since one is a soft touch and one is a rough rub to massage the pain.

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This means that her head, torso, and even feet are facing towards you. This physical signal shows that she is interested in you and she is willing to listen to whatever you are saying. If she starts mimicking you, it’s a sign that she is trying to connect with you without touching you, just yet. Next time pay attention to her body moment and see if she follows you.

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his is a good indicator that she likes you. Relationship experts would say that if she doesn’t like you, she will pull back or cross her arms to show that she has no interest in you. So, if you notice her gravitating closer to you and popping your personal-space bubble, then she is interested in you.

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If you frequently see her wearing more revealing clothing to show more skin that’s a good indicator that she is interested in you. Better yet, she is trying to seduce you. If you invite her to come to your place, she might remove her jacket or coat to show that she is “hot” or that she is comfortable being with you. Either way, they are both good indicators that she is in to you. She wants to arouse you so you can find her interesting and hoping you will do the same by removing some of your clothes.

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That’s it. If she bites her lips you might as well drop your pants. This is one of the strongest indicator that she likes you. You can go ask any girls out there to verify it. There’s no reason why she would bite her lip unless she is on ecstasy or molly. Girls don’t just bite their lip. If she didn’t like you she wouldn’t bother to look at you in the first place.