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Best Movie Franchises

    63 |     0 |     180 |

Vote on these top movie franchises based on the series as a whole or just because one or two of the movies mean something special to you. If you don't see your favorite franchise on this list, make sure to create your own list and where what everyone thinks of your selections.

1 | 100.00%
First Movie: Transformers (1986)
Total Box Office (Worldwide): $4,385,100,000.00

4 | 100.00%
First Movie: The Godfather (1972)
Total Box Office (Worldwide): $380,600,000.00
8 | 100.00%
First Movie: Planet of the Apes (1968)
Total Box Office (Worldwide): $3,741,000,000.00

9 | 100.00%
First Movie: Mission: Impossible (1996)
Total Box Office (Worldwide): $2,779,000,000.00

13 | 100.00%
First Movie: Iron Man (2008)
Total Box Office (Worldwide): $12,657,900,000.00

14 | 100.00%
First Movie: Dr. No (1962)
Total Box Office (Worldwide): $5,019,900,000.00

15 | 100.00%
First Movie: The Hangover (2009)
Total Box Office (Worldwide): $1,420,000,000.00

16 | 100.00%
First Movie: The Fast and the Furious (2001)
Total Box Office (Worldwide): $5,134,900,000.00